Healthy Built Environment Event - October 3rd, 2019

Keynote Presentation

Dr. Charmaine Enns, Medical Health Officer for the North Island, opened the day by presenting the linkages between planning and health.

Keynote - Presentation, Dr. Enns

SEa Level Rise

Chris Osborne, Long Range Planning Supervisor with the City of Campbell River presented on the public consultation process their department undertook to mitigate the effects of sea level rise in their city.

Sea Level Rise Planning - Chris Osborne


Laura Walker from the City of Campbell River presented on the steps they’ve taken to adapt to climate change.

Climate Adaptation - Laura Walker


Karen Berezon and Lindsay McGinn from the Comox Valley Community Health Network presented on the Collective Impact Framework.

Creating Healthier Communities - Berezon & McGinn


Monty Horton, K’omoks First Nation Land Manager, presented on their land codes.

Land Codes - Monty Norton

Improving the Health of our Communities

Maritia Gully and Tara Fitzgerald from Island Health presented on how data can help to improve health in our communities.

Improving Health in Our Communities - Gully & Fitzgerald

Cycling into the future

Masters Student, Eleni Gibson, from Vancouver Island University presented on her research that assesses attitudes towards e-bikes in Nanaimo.

Cycling into the Future - Eleni Gibson


2nd Year Masters Student, Dylan Thiessen, from Vancouver Island University presented on how social infrastructure contributes to healthy communities.

Planning Healthy Communities - Dylan Thiessen