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Visioning: Planning Committee

March 2017-November 2017

The journey to start a Community Health Network in the Comox Valley began with a group of people who explored what a Community Health Network could be in the Valley and plan community forums to engage more people.


First Community Forum

November 2017

Over 150 people of the community gathered at the Native Sons Hall in Courtenay. They learned about Community Health Networks and considered what a network in the Comox Valley could accomplish to improve health and well-being. Participants decided to move forward with creating a health network. Watch a video of the first forum here.

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Designing: Governance Task Group

October 2017-March 2018

A Governance Task Group was created to draft the health network governance framework. This included the mission, values, principles, structure, consensus decision-making process, guidelines, and a framework to take back to the community.

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Second Community Forum

March 2018

Over 140 people attended a second community forum at the Florence Filburg Centre. The Forum focused on providing feedback, input and approval for the draft Governance Framework and to determine action priorities for the Network.

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Developing: Transition Team

April 2018-January 2019

Following the second forum, a Transition Team was formed to take the priorities and guidelines and do the work to launch the Comox Valley Community Health Network. They hired a Facilitator, developed guidelines for the Coordinating Circle and facilitated a process to form the Coordinating Circle.


Implementation: Coordinating Circle

October 2018-January 2019

The Coordinating Circle is the ongoing leadership of the Comox Valley Community Health Network, working with the support of the Facilitator. The Facilitator was hired in October. Recruitment for the Coordinating Circle began in November, and they had their first meeting in January 2019.