Get involved.

The Comox Valley Community Health Network includes any individual or group who has an interest in improving community well-being and health. Participation in the Coordinating Circle is voluntary and there are no participation fees.

Two of our eight core values as a Network are:

  • Diversity: We embrace diversity and listen to the unique needs of the varied people, cultures and communities in our region.

  • Inclusion: We welcome the participation of everyone who lives or works in the Comox Valley.

And one of our guiding principles is that we will:

  • Value community members as important and equal voices in determining community priorities and actions.

Therefore, we are looking for people from our region with varied identities, perspectives, and skills to provide leadership to the Network as a Coordinating Circle participant.

Benefits of Participation

A younger person with brown skin and braces holding their arms up at a gathering of people, they have a temporary tattoo on their cheek that says “GRL PWR”.


Influence change on issues affecting community health and wellness.


Provide input into the network’s priority areas.


Join the community and develop new relationships.


Raise your voice on the issues that matter most to you!


If filling out the application online isn’t an option for you, please contact network facilitator for a hard copy of the application, or for assistance in filling out the information form at or 250-650-5819.

Thank you!

If you have questions about the application contact the Network Facilitator here.