Questions for Comox Valley Candidates in FEDERAL Election 2021
The Community Health Network supports bold action that weaves together climate change, social justice and recovery from COVID. These questions reflect action towards that end.
Housing: The Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness estimates that our community is in immediate need of 50 temporary emergency shelter spaces and another 100 units of supportive housing that need to be built in 2021-22. If elected, how will you and your party contribute to building this housing?
Poverty Reduction & Food Security: How will you reduce poverty and food insecurity through policy initiatives such as tax reform, guaranteed annual income and ensuring access to healthy, local and culturally appropriate food across BC and in the Comox Valley?
Healthy Environment: If elected, how will you work for climate justice and a just transition to an equitable and sustainable economy for Canadians while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement?
Mental Health and Substance Use: If elected, how will you advocate for decriminalization and then collaborate with provincial and municipal governments to create a system to provide an accessible safe supply of drugs in Canada?
Child, Youth and Families: If elected, how will you prioritize training of new Early Childhood Educators and increase the supply of quality childcare spaces to support families and their economic security?
Seniors Wellness: If elected, how will you advocate for developing, funding and delivering a National Seniors Care Strategy that sets consistent standards of care and staffing across Canada?
Courtenay-Alberni Candidate Responses
Barbara Biley - Marxist-Leninist
North Island - Powell River Candidate Responses